


    1. Electric Pole Installations 2. Solar Security Light Installation

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  • MBUP- Wiring Services

    MBUP- Wiring Services

    Steps in Wiring a building. These are steps that must be followed to have a professional looking wiring or Domestic Installation Done

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  • Reach Out Programs

    Reach Out Programs

    Live is worth living but it’s worth more giving. Our Reach Out Programs are designed to reach out for:

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  • Strawberry Farming

    Strawberry Farming

    strawberry plant performs best in dry sandy soil. Heavy waterlogging soils are not suitable for strawberry cultivation. Soil with a pH between 5.5 – 7 and EC below 0.7mS/cm is ideal for strawberry cultivation.

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  • Computer Training

    Computer Training

    If you’re just starting out with computers, there is plenty we can help you with to get up to speed. These training cover topics like how to use a mouse and keyboard, how to navigate your operating system, and how to use popular programs like Microsoft Office. You can also take our more advanced training…

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  • Waste Managment System

    Waste Managment System

    A waste management system is the strategy an organization uses to dispose, reduce, reuse, and prevent waste. Possible waste disposal methods are recycling, composting, incineration, landfills, bioremediation, waste to energy, and waste minimization.

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  • MBUP – RESOURCE Center

    MBUP – RESOURCE Center

    _______________________________________________________________________________________ MBUP – RESOURCE CENTER is a place where everyone who basically wants to study a skill, learn about any particular topic or is even looking only for a reading space can come and be provided with supervised non-distractive space for studying. Resources available at the Resource Center are as follows

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  • Live Stock Farming

    Live Stock Farming

    For the sole purpose of better understanding, livestock farming is simply the management and breeding of domestic livestock or the farming of animals to obtain their meat and other products such as milk, egg, leather, etc for home consumption and other commercial purposes. It can also be described as the economic activity that involves raising…

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